Guiding Your Child In The Right Direction


Student Populance:600+



What Makes Us RISMOS

Rising Star Montessori School was started in the year 2009. The School began with just a handful of students with Mrs Kootin as the first teacher. The school was mainly preschool and for children from 6 months.

    We build our moral on our:

  • Goals
  • Mission
  • Aims

But by grace, our number has greatly multiplied and we've had series of badges writing their final exams and moving on to the next academic phase. As a montessori school, our interest relies solely on the welbeing of our learners and how best their future can be properly shapened by us

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Get Admission Now

Our Administrators are ready to assist you on all you need to know. Call or send a message to get admission details and register right away to be apart of us.

Admission is always available for
all levels and departments

Get the requirements for each departments to be enroled.

  • 01 Admission to the preschool/nursery.

    RISMOS admits learners for the preschool from six months to six years for the preschool and is expected to graduate to the primary.

  • Admission is always available for the primary department from grade one to grade 6. The lower primary includes classes from A-C and the upper, A-B.

  • Admission is only for JHS one and two. We do not admit students for form 3. Per our standards, learners aree supposed to have gone through the JHS one and two before entering form 3.


Rising Star Montessori is the talk of all time as one of the best

Administration of the school is highly judged by the following

BECE Passes Since 2014 100%
Admission Of Our Students Into their choiced schools100%
GES Approval100%
Parents Approval100%

Upcoming Events

Visit the calendar page to view full set calendar with all our weekly, monthly and termly activities


There are four departments in all. Ranging from the Preschool department to the Junior High department. Each of the departments are headed by an HOD.


The Preschool contains learners from 6 months to 7 years. Thus learners fit for creche to kindergatern.

Lower Primary

The Lower primary has learners from grade one to grade three.

Upper Primary

The Upper primary has classes from grade four to grade six.

Junior High

The Junior high starts from grades seven to grade nine.

From Our Blog

Explore many other activities that make us extra. Series of extracurriculum activities that our talented kids demonstrate.
We are not only the book type but we are all for all

  • All
  • Cadet
  • General Activities
  • General Worship





InterHouse Quiz


Frequently Asked Questions

These are mostly asked questions and their answers provided concerning the school